Act V, Scene III – Character

In Scene III, I would have Macbeth’s character acting overconfident about his chances in battle. He is already acting this way, telling his servants to “…hang those that talk of fear.” (V.iii.42), but I would make the actor over-emphasize this. The photo I chose represents this best because the man in the drawing is puffing his chest out, acting prideful. This would give Macbeth an inflated sense of pride, while also showing that his overconfidence is a sham, due to how much he is emphasizing it.



allen, troy w. “Crashing into Life.” Being Boastful about Right Things, 13 Aug. 2011,

Act IV, Scene III – Costume

In Scene III, Malcolm and Macduff rendezvous in England, by King Edward’s palace. To avoid looking too conspicuous, I would have them dressed in common clothes. The picture I chose best represents this because of the neutral colors and plain fashion. The audience would still be able to tell who the characters are, but it makes sense to dress them in this way, because it expresses the amount of secrecy needed in this plan, as they don’t want to be discovered.



Linda. “A New Outfit for A.” Handcrafted History,, 27 Jan. 2017,

Act III, Scene III – Lighting

Scene 3 is where Banquo dies. In this scene, I would use strobe lights at the part where he is being murdered. This would not explicitly show the sequence to the murder, just in shadows. I think this would be a good idea because it adds a more dramatic effect to the murder scene, and leaves more to the imagination.


spartan0000000117. “Original Strobe Light on Your PC.” YouTube, YouTube, 7 Nov. 2009,

Act II, Scene III – Music/Sound Effects

At line 82, when it is discovered that King Duncan was murdered, I would have the sound effect of an orchestra playing a tragic-sounding tune. The music would run quietly under the words where Macduff is alerting them, and when others are speaking throughout the scene. I chose to have a sad song playing in this scene because everyone is shocked and upset by the death of King Duncan. This piece in particular was the best because it is very legato and simple, but also reeked of tragedy.


wersion751EXTENDED. “Ivan Dominik – The Verge Of Death | Most Epic Dramatic Orchestral Music.” YouTube, YouTube, 8 Aug. 2016,

Act 1, Scene 3 – Lighting and Set Design

When Macbeth and Banquo confront the witches, I would use fog machines and red lighting to create a dramatic, spooky effect. These effects would be cued by the line “The Weird Sisters, hand in hand…” (I.iii.34) and stop when Macbeth and Banquo appear. The effects would appear again when they are speaking their lines about Macbeth being king. I chose the color red for the lighting since red represents evil, and that is how the witches are seen by Banquo.



“Stage and Lighting 01 Hd Pictures Free Stock Photos 2.64MB.” Stage and Lighting 01 Hd Pictures Free Stock Photos in Image Format: Jpg, Size: 3648×2736 Format for Free Download 2.64MB,